ErgoFinland collaborates with Sataedu and the MeWet Home.
We have supported the MeWet project with ergonomic solutions that can be utilized in home activities. ErgoFinland is also committed to supporting the occupational well-being of Sataedu's staff by providing expertise in ergonomic matters. Additionally, we have shared knowledge about various options for educational and remote work solutions with the entire teaching staff in Sataedu's wellness education sector.
What is the MeWet Home?
The MeWet Home is specifically designed to be a sensory-friendly environment that promotes overall well-being. The home's interior design and technological solutions have been carefully selected to create a calm and stress-free atmosphere. Features like lighting, soundscapes, and material choices are tailored to minimize sensory overload and enhance recovery.
Moreover, the MeWet Home incorporates wellness technology that supports independent living and safety. The home is open to everyone, regardless of age or ability. It serves as an innovative learning and development environment for professionals and students in education, healthcare, social work, and wellness fields. For businesses, the home offers a platform to showcase and discuss their products, as well as to develop solutions with a user-centric approach.
"The collaboration is effective, and awareness of the benefits of ergonomic solutions continues to grow. At Sataedu, the dissemination of knowledge starts with students and extends to staff and experts. Close multidisciplinary collaboration with the working world enables ergonomic solutions to be effectively integrated into professional practice."

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